The pattern generator could also be used for cross stitch designs, or fair isle patterns. I think it's all-around super awesome.
01 October, 2015
I'm going to my first ever Fiber Festival in November, (The Columbia Gorge Fiber Festival) so I'm thinking about designing a sweater to wear to it. I want something easy, because if I'm going to make it in a month, it can't be anything too tricky, but I also want it to look nice. I found this pattern that is super cute and very simple, but I would want it to have long sleeves, and I don't trust myself to be able to do that without wrecking it or getting really frustrated, because of the way the sleeve holes in the original pattern are, so alternatively I thought about making a mosaic stitch sweater based on two simple rectangles...akin to a drop-sleeve sweater, but maybe with a saddle shoulder instead. Dunno. Anyway, I found THIS, woot! I love's a mosaic stitch pattern generator written by Laura Kogler. Thanks Laura! I came up with this's a contender for my design. FUN!